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project presentation

The Sokli ore body in Savukoski, Finland, contains significant mineral reserves even on the global scale. The deposit has been studied for a long time, and now the state-owned Sokli Oy is surveying the profitability of mining operations in a more comprehensive manner using modern methods.

For press briefings in Helsinki and Savukoski, the company needed a convincing presentation video that could neatly summarise the extensive project. Together with the customer we came up with a script that dealt with the matter in a multifaceted yet concise manner. The video was filmed in Savukoski, Sokli and
Helsinki. Thanks to the well-written script, the editing process was fairly swift and the video could be finished on time despite the tight schedule.

Client:Sokli Oy
Production:Hatfuls Creative
Producer / Director:Matias Tuomela
Cinematography:Jussi Finnilä, Matias Tuomela, Aleksi Tuomela
Post proinduction:Aleksi Tuomela

“The Hatfuls team were very professional and we got the sense that the production team had a clear vision
of what kind of material was required for a good result. During production, cooperation was both pleasant
and flexible. We are sure to keep in touch with regard to other similar productions.”

Pasi Heino, project manager, Sokli

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